Mar 3, Feb 13, Aug 21, Mar 28, Mar 25, Mar 12, Feb 17, Feb 1, Jan 25, Show Ignored Content. I'd be glad to receive any and all feedback! RohirrimElf and iamliberal like this. Two modes: Classic, a faithful recreation of the Civ V binding scheme. Minimap can now be toggled between 2x-mode and original by right clicking Civ V keybinds implemented. Optionally, the voiceover can still be kept even without the popup.
Improved amenities city details screen Clean Icons! No Tutorial UI! Removed the useless 'My Government' tab from Government panel Map Pinning system enhanced: new pins, long pinlists are now scrollable, right click in pinlist to quickly delete pins, enter key now bound to finalizing a pin in pin creation menu. I've finally gotten to a point of stability where I'd like to have others test it. You can see the gift option when going to the Account Upgrades screen, or on any user profile screen.
We have added a Gift Upgrades feature that allows you to gift an account upgrade to another member, just in time for the holiday season.